Saturday, March 3, 2012

Videoke in the Philippines!

It's been a fairly uneventful past couple of weeks.  The Travel team has been practicing working cases, and our trainer, Michele, leaves in the morning.  She did a great job training the team and we are well on our way to having a successful team!  Thanks Michele!

To celebrate, last night we went to a videoke bar called Music 21 (videoke is basically the same as karaoke), and it was a BLAST!  (Josh, if you're reading this, we're totally doing this when you're here! ;-)  People here REALLY get into this, and because of their enthusiasm, I couldn't help but get into it too!  It's just a matter of finding a song you love to sing along to...
They have all these private rooms (this is key, otherwise I would be too shy to participate) with the videoke equipment and sofas and tables.  You get a package deal that includes food and drinks.
Getting into it!
Wella, RC, Michele and Bern
Cover your ears, I'm on the mic!
Gettin down!
Charm belts out a tune.  She's really good!

 Fun was had by all!

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